
How to Remember Password Instead of How to Reset Password

Remember password

The password is an indispensable part of the lives, it’s the key to your life. Whether it unlocks your email account, computer or smartphone, the password is vital to your online persona, the usernames, website accounts, perhaps banking and credit cards, cloud storage, and even gaming accounts. Are you good at remembering the password? It almost seems like you’re either really good at it, or just completely hopeless.

I used to be the second category. I’d be in countless situations where some website or App would require me to sign up, and within the next day or weeks late, I would completely forget its password when I get to that website again, I have to spend a lot of time to reset my password. Does that ever happen to you?

It was really frustrating that I tried to overcome it by writing down a password or electronically for each account one by one. How well did it work? As you can probably image, not very well at all! Because I would forget the location which I have placed.

How to Create a Strong Password That Easy Remember But Hard to Guess

In the age of the internet, you need a password for everything. But how do you make them complicated enough not to guess, but easy enough to remember? If you want a super-strong password so that it’s more resistant to guessing and so that it’s unlikely to be found in a brute force dictionary hack.

You may want to know what makes a good password good and a bad password bad? Take a look at the different factors that make a password weak or strong and find out what you can do to make your passwords better.

Strong password features vs. Weak password features

You should avoid to reusing old passwords, keyboard patterns (qwerty, asdfgh), password doubling (Q123Q123, ma1968ma1968), dictionary words (password, admin, office). You can consider the examples below.

But just making it complicated isn’t enough, you also have to avoid being predictable.

The best advice for a password is to actually use a different one at every site. The idea of making every password different can be easier said than done. Between social media, personal accounts, work accounts, and streaming services, a person can have a couple of dozen passwords to remember.

Having that many different passwords often leads to the inevitable click on the forgot password symbol. So what’s the trick to remember? Experts say it can be as easy as picking a theme.

Have two or three keywords, mix and match those with numbers, maybe your favorite number, for example, if I had Whiterose@520, for a different one I’d do 520#whiteRose, or maybe even a different color, red rose and do the same number. You can also capitalize on a letter and change which letter you use for every new password. It’s how you make it more complicated to guess but easy to remember.

Along with passwords, you can set up a two-tier authentication that uses text or an app. That’s probably the best way your viewers can protect themselves is by adding that second factor.

How to Safely Store Your Passwords

As more and more passwords pile up, and you still struggle to remember, you can always go old school and write them down. It’s good to keep some type of safe, physical copy that no one knows where it is. Many security experts such as Bruce Schneier recommend that people use passwords that are too complicated to memorize, write them down on paper, and keep them in a wallet.

Many computer users store passwords as plaintext. Password manager software can also store passwords relatively safely, in an encrypted file sealed with a single master password. There is password management software to keep track of passwords, but if anything happens to your computer you’ll lose them all.

The best way to keep your passwords is to keep them in your brain by heart.

Since a young age, we are taught to learn a lot of things by rote memorization. Like our multiplication tables, historical dates, or scientific facts. It ends up becoming a default pattern, continuing all the way until we’re adults. How often do you recall reading an article, but forgetting what it’s about? Have you ever recognized a movie title but failed to remember the plot? If you frequently forget the things you’ve read and the movies you’ve watched, you aren’t alone.

Think about what you had for lunch yesterday or what you did last weekend. Those memories are probably blurry because they aren’t critical for your survival. If you treat a password as super important for your work and life, then it ought to be remembered easily.

As far as you often use or remember your passwords, you’ll be hard to forget them. The more often you use that password the less chance of forgetting your password. If you hardly ever use it, you can probably lose it.

While don’t worry! There are many password recovery methods online if you forgot the password you can have a try some of them. Password Refixer Bundle is the multi-functional password recovery software. It integrates 9 different password recovery or removing tools that can help a user instantly recover, reset or remove the password for Windows PC, Database, Files and Archives in seconds without data loss.

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